
Grout Stain

Our home could use some bathroom refreshes, but until then, I’m trying to at least clean them up. I used a grout stain in the kids bathroom and it made such a huge difference. But beware, it was a painstaking process. It took a long time and patience, but for a few dollars, it was…

Window frost cling

Here’s an easy project! When we moved into our house we had two bathroom with nice windows/natural light, but the windows were covered with shutters. The shutters were rarely opened (because they are bathrooms) so the rooms were just dark all of the time. I can’t stand dark rooms. It’s so depressing to me. Please…

New Trim Facelift

The trim in the house was original to the 1970’s and again seemed to lack the character I was desiring for the home. It was thin and seemed disproportionate to the size of the house, rooms and halls. We moved here from a 1920’s home with all of the character you could dream of, and…

Landscaping BEFORE and AFTER

One of the first projects we chose to tackle in this house was the landscaping in the front yard. Everything was very overgrown and hiding the house. Lucky for us we had a friend who works at a landscape architect firm. He created some designs that we could phase into. I shared with him some…


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Personally, Poppe

Hi friends, I’m Sarah. A wife, mother to three, fitness enthusiast and photographer to name a few. I spend most of my time with my kids and husband over-analyzing every decision I make.

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